The fantastic community!

The art of succeeding together in times of change

We are in the middle of a paradigm shift when it comes to the job market. The winners are the non- hierarchical organisations who have confidence in and trust their empolyees and those who create an environment where creativity and relations thrive across… everything and everybody!

Which is exactly what the fantastic community is about and what most people long to be a part of. : )

This uplifting and informative talk gives you information and knowledge on how you create a productive community where both relations and results thrive. It offers good stories, examples and useful tools.

You will get more information on:

  • The hierarchy: a paradigm which is dying
  • Neo-tribal communities are the future
  • Co-creation: When creativity belongs to everyone and garners results
  • New management: From rules and KPI’s to frames and trust
  • Colleague-love is a necessity (Probably not what you think…)
  • Generation Z shows us the way to go

The talk is partly based on a collection of essays about the young generations published by the biggest business newspaper Børsen, my two books, The tyranny of success – and the way out, and the bestseller Goodbye Egofest and Hello to Goals and Communities from 2009, which is more relevant than ever, and a TV-Program that I host called The young show us the way.