
The young generation shows us the way to the future
Lead, attract, retain and understand them - and the workplaces of the future.
The future workplaces and organizations without hierarchy are getting defined now, partly due to the shift in generations. This is changing all workplaces!
Generation Y and Z have a new approach to what and when work is – and not least, what they want from it. They are driven by meaning, purpose, freedom, communities and by changing the world into a better place. They have a tolerant relation to gender, are (preferably) living as digital nomads – and most importantly they are seeking to have a life-career. And that makes it a challenge to lead, attract and retain them. By learning from the young generation now, one doesn’t just learn how to build bridges between employees of all ages, but also prepares you for the future workplaces and the new form of management which will soon become the norm.
The talk is informative and entertaining and through stories and examples you will understand what drives this young generation. You will also know how to motivate and work with them, so that you together can create the best working environment for employees of all ages.
Beauty. Sexuality. Sociality. Shame. Society.
Statistics on increasing levels of stress anxiety, depression, loneliness and insomnia show us that our society is out of balance.
Even the climate has had it! So, we need a new hero. Many of them actually.
And these heroes are The Unruly Women!
They dare to be free, to take their space in society and contribute with their unbound creativity in order to create a healthy social culture in society. In other words, they are able to contribute to better times and a world in balance. For men, women and Earth.
This talk is both humorous and sharp as it touches upon the limiting prejudices and stories which women are still met with in society and todays culture. This is especially true when it comes to their beauty, sexuality and sociality. And that’s why this talk will turn everything around and show how women – and society – can transform these old limitations into an advantage. It will also give a lot of inspiration as to how YOU can become an Unruly Woman. So: Do you want to become a member of The Unruly Women’s Club?
The fantastic community!
The art of succeeding together in times of change
We are in the middle of a paradigm shift when it comes to jobs in the future. The winners are the organisations without a hierarchy who have confidence and trust in their employees, who create an environment where creativity and relations thrive – a fantastic community!
The talk informs, in a sharp, clear and entertaining way, what values and goals are at stake in today’s organizations and how you can create the strongest workplace and the best organization.
The talk is based on my bestseller from 2009 which is now more relevant than ever: Goodbye Egoparty and Hello to Goals and Communities, my latest book, The tyranny of success – and the way out, together with a long list of articles and videos about the young generations who create the developments which we all will follow in time.
why danes are the happiest people!
and how you can become more "dane".
The Danes are the world’s most trusting people, we have the lowest levels of corruption and the highest levels of democracy, high equality, and we raise our children to be highly independent and group oriented at the same time.
The Danes’ most important values are equality, open mindedness and community – and they are practiced daily both in work and leisure. Many of these features make the danes good representatives for the people of the future, as we are entering a time where co-creation is the key to success.
It was once again a great pleasure to see and hear you yesterday! You are a unique combination of science, practice and good examples, mixed with an engaging commitment, which shows through being interested rather than just interesting. One leaves enriched, uplifted and strengthened from your presentations – and I could see that the members did so too.
Tina Buch Olsson
Senior consultant, The Danish Chamber of Commerce
Emilia van Hauen gave a highly relevant and exiting online lecture regarding her book ‘The tyranny of success – and the way out’ by forming new communities. She manages to go beyond the screen with her exiting insights and points, time flew by even though it was late afternoon after a busy weekday, where the energy level isn´t at its highest. InnovationSilkeborg gives their highest recommendations to online lectures with Emilia.
Anne Sofie Persson
Innovation Silkeborg
Thank you so much for your talk at our press conference last week. It received great reviews from all three journalists from all three countries. They praised the fact that there was more than “just” product news but also inspiration at the conference. It could not have been done any better!
Gitte Lasnier
Scandinavian Marketing Director, L’Oreal Denmark A/S
The students were undivided enthusiastic. They said things such as: “She was a great communicator” (one even used the term ´rhetorician´). “She had a great use of statistics and background material”, “She knew what she was talking about”, “It was interesting – time flew by even though it lasted one and a half hour”, and “It was cool that she involved us in the lecture.”
Thomas Secher Lund
Vice Headmaster, Sct. Knuds Gymnasium
My International agent is A-Speakers and my Danish agent is Athenas